How it all began
Let's go back.
My own healing journey really began in 2012. I had just graduated college, was sick of my own sht and tired of identifying as “a mess.”
After years of eating disorders, partying, numbing and distracting, I began educating myself on nutrition and fitness. I started practicing yoga.
I see now this was my first step into the body I had battled for years.
In 2016, I started teaching yoga. I left my career in media and politics, and for the first time, I had no distractions. It was just me.
This is when I began experiencing very raw & real experiences of Fight, Flight AND Freeze. Past trauma & my stories were front and center, and there was no avoiding them.
So, my practice really became everything.
Somatic movement, meditation, breath & energy work intuitively became my channels to deepen my awareness and understand what I was experiencing and why. I threw myself into studying, training and connecting mind + body.
Since then, every singleeee dayyy the veil was lifted a little bit more. My understanding bred compassion and self-acceptance, which led to a truly unconditional devotion to Self and confidence I had never known. It was weird, scary, exciting, incredible, expansive… and it just kept GOING. There was and is so much to FEEL.
And in 2020, we all know what happened. Talk about having so much to feel.
That April, I received a download of how to serve these times. This vision evolved, and in January 2021, became RISE Somatic Coaching.
I started working with dozens of beings who fearlessly trusted themselves to DIVE. IN. and do the work. They penetrated down to their very Core to find and embody their truth.
Being witness to the process made me see that healing and somatic work is about so much more than the “Rise.” First you go to the Core. From there, you Rise.
I’m so excited and grateful to share with you, The Core Rising.
A space for healing & your most authentic empowerment.
I want you to have the tools to feel safe, to fully express yourself, and to feel fcking free.
There is SO much waiting for you. Waiting for all of us. I believe that so deeply, just as much as I believe in this work, in its transformative abilities, and just as much as I believe in you.
Thank you for being here.
- Maggie